Workshop portrait in pen and watercolor at the Nola Hatterman Art Academy

Monday, January 29th.
A photo report of the art class ‘portrait in pen and watercolor’ at the Nola Hatterman Art Academy. I only had two and a half hours, but thanks to the talent, involvement and commitment of the students, and also because of the lesson structure that I had been thinking about for a long time, the results exceeded my expectations.
The lesson consisted of several parts:

  1. seeing and feeling how lines run in a leaf or cap.
  2. draw directly with pen on a large sheet of paper.
  3. explanation about watercolor paint, how to use the paint with the water, the importance of leaving light parts white (even with dark skin), therefore always start with the darkest parts. the students were only given two shades of brown to work with.
  4. make small portraits of each other, first pen then watercolor. again with the same two shades of brown
  5. split the group into two parts, with one student for each group who wants to be a model
  6. use the learned techniques to create a portrait on an entire sheet of paper. the students were allowed to make a start with a pencil and continue from there, more colors were allowed.
  7. discuss, put all the work together, clean up together! Do not clean the plates with paint, because one can use the dried paint again!
    It was a great experience for me, thanks Nola Hatterman Art Academy and students, Sunil Puljhun, Purcy Tjin and everyone involved. I hope the students are inspired to continue with it. And yes, I certainly think it would be nice to come back again, who knows …


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